Holt the Witch’s Familiar

The doll had a particularly creepy face. “Miss Claudette is from the mid-eighteen hundreds,” the female auctioneer read, “once belonging to a privileged little girl of the era, she is a magnificent model of the expectations of a typical Victorian lady.” You bit your...

Bodi pt 2

“Annual projections for this quarter are low, so we need to ensure that we’re doing everything in our power to see those year-over-year numbers…” You twitched when your attention on the droning voice of your boss was interrupted by your phone screen, lighting up with...

Bodi the Komodo Dragon Lizardman

You were able to smell him long before you saw him that day. Not that he smelled bad, of course. His subtle aftershave was just that—subtle, a barely there green scent that reminded you of early morning rain, wet and earthy, when the whole world was calm. You could...

It’s Valentine’s Day . . . and You are a Horrible Goose

The day was cold. The pond was frozen, had been frozen for weeks. A cold, glassy surface, unyielding under your feet, no matter how hard you stomped. You’d tried breaking the surface with rocks, with an unwieldy branch, and by stomp stomp stomping, but it was no use....

Pack Wars

The Christmas lights were impressive. It pained Helene to admit it. It was was somewhat galling to have moved to an inter-species community where she expected the majority of the residents to not celebrate the holiday, only to find her street lit up with a brilliant...